Wide Cloud of Sports

Wide World of Sports on Saturday afternoons. It was a miracle of sportscasting, ‘spanning the globe to bring you constant variety of sport’ – and all within 90 minutes.
Dedicated cable sports channels eventually displaced the weekend sports magazine, making sports TV available on a more or less continuous basis. But the major cable networks who specialised in high-quality coverage of top tier sporting events still fell short of covering the entire human drama of athletic competition.
Today, online technology, augmented by the cloud, gives fans not only the ability to consume sports content anywhere, any time, but allows the full wide world of sports to become available globally, offering new kinds of services to fans that were undreamed of just a few years ago.
Immense Changes
Live sports production has undergone immense changes. In a pre-Twitter world, a ‘tape-delayed’ broadcast of key events was normal and video production required thousands of dollars in capital expenditures and expertise. Today, all it takes is a smartphone and a YouTube channel to become a global broadcaster. Live sports broadcasting has made the switch to an agile, mobile, ‘right now’ offering with flexible, world-class technology accessible to all.
The fan base has changed, too. Today’s sports world is truly international. A Premier League fan is as likely to be found on the streets of Seattle as in a pub in Tottenham, London. Fans can interact directly with their favourite athletes on social media, watch replay clips from smartphones while in the stadium and listen to live post-game press conferences. There’s a digital relationship between fans and the game that can lead to increased engagement and increased revenue.
. Making the Most of Your Assets Those in the business of delivering live OTT sports experiences are racing against the clock to offer world-class fan experiences. Making cloud technologies a key part of sports broadcast workflows can yield practical benefits right away. Cloud services allow for a pay-as-you-go IT model, which allows for provision according to audience size and demand. Instead of saddling themselves with big infrastructure investments before the audience has even tuned in, infrastructure can be deployed appropriate to the use case. The last set of a Grand Slam tennis final, or the final two minutes of the Super Bowl will need a huge surge in capacity, but it doesn’t make sense to have that capacity sitting idle for the rest of the year. Cloud infrastructures can be spun up on-demand, allowing for extra coverage of major events, or special channels for one-off tournaments. This agility can save time and resources on IT management that can be better spent on developing new fan experiences and new ways to monetise. Infrastructure in the cloud can be provisioned around the world, too, so that target audiences can be reached with low-latency, high-availability video offerings that stream smoothly on all devices. Not only does the cloud allow for flexible and easily evolved production workflows, but the cloud itself is a flexible and evolving landscape. Cloud-based tools are easily upgraded, with new integrations, new services and new solutions being deployed all the time. Adopting a cloud approach opens up your operation to having the latest and best always available, with the opportunity to trial or deploy solutions when you’re ready.“Adopting a cloud approach opens up your operation to having the latest and best always available.”