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Don’t sit on it, sell it

Posted on Dec 8, 2023 by FEED Staff

With over a decade of experience in buying and selling kit, MPB is trusted by thousands of visual storytellers

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popular subject matter for many photography and film projects is sustainability. Photo and video are powerful weapons for change, and content creators have been seen to use it to intelligently and creatively communicate the climate crisis to audiences. What a lot of creators often don’t realise is that on top of being able to create green content, there are also ways to more sustainably buy and sell camera kit. Better still, there are options available for burgeoning content producers to upgrade their entire production ecosystems in an affordable and more environmentally conscious way.

A trusted partner

MPB is the largest global platform to buy, sell and trade used photography and videography kit. It is a simple, safe and circular way to trade, upgrade and get paid for kit. 

“We are really working on introducing people to the mindset of liberating the kit they are no longer using, by either giving it a new home or freeing up funds to improve your set-up,” introduces Patrick Williamson, global head of media at MPB. “It’s focusing in on that trading aspect that we offer, where we can take photo or video gear off of your hands in a really convenient way, ultimately upgrading you to something new.”

One of the first things to understand when it comes to MPB is that it buys kit directly from visual storytellers. Its team of product specialists then evaluates all items before they are listed and resold. Every product is MPB-approved, so you need never question the quality of any equipment.

“As the content creation and video streaming industries have taken off, people have tended to use MPB as a stepping stone into the field. It works as a great jumping-off platform – for when you are only just starting out and are looking for a more affordable route into shooting video. It’s a great way to dip your toe in the water, especially if you are working with a lower budget.”

Having served over 625,000 visual storytellers and recirculated over 400,000 products annually, all the equipment bought through MPB comes with a six-month warranty after careful inspection from its product specialists.

Coming full circle

While advancing the field of visual storytelling through improving access to kit is central to MPB’s vision, sitting right next to that is supporting the circular economy, which runs through everything MPB does. “We talk a lot about our role within the circular economy,” Williamson continues. “Enabling customers to buy, sell and trade through one platform – and believing passionately as a business in the strength and quality of the used photo and video market.”

There’s no question of the quality of new camera and video gear surfacing in the industry, however it’s important to take advantage of the pre-existing, built-to-last products that are often left to gather dust in the corner of a studio. 

“MPB enables choice and access for photographers and videographers to affordable, top-quality kit, while giving them a means of supporting the circular economy.

“There’s a circular movement taking place in the e-commerce space,” Williamson emphasises. “You’ve got brands like Vinted, for example, who are doing really great things for the fashion space. It’s powering a more conscious consumer mindset.”

That mindset has spread from fashion to food, cars to coffee – and now camera and videography equipment. MPB was founded in 2011, and has flourished into the trusted platform we see today, making it an established choice for a circular consumer.

“One of the great aspects of MPB is that even if you’ve never traded something in before, we make it super easy for you to do so,” Williamson concludes. “If you come to our website, you can get a quote within seconds. So, even if you’re not 100% sure you want to sell something, you can at least start exploring it as an option. It’s hassle-free from end-to-end.”

Originally published in the Winter 2023 issue of FEED.

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