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Simplicity Rests on Five Pillars

Posted on Jul 18, 2024 by FEED Staff

Despite being at the forefront of groundbreaking IP infrastructures, Lawo understands that simplicity turbocharges productivity

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Users generally appreciate simplicity, provided those proposing it can deliver on their promises. Although a repackaged version of existing components can lead to an easier grasp of what’s on offer, making for more efficient use of it, simplicity in IP-networked broadcast and media production requires much more.

High five for the portfolio

Let us begin with the five elements required in any broadcast and media production workflow. First, you need devices to which video and audio signal sources and destinations can be connected. These stageboxes or gateways will be called ‘physical I/O’.

Next up is ‘processing’ of audio signals, video footage and usually a combination of both. For audio, this refers to tweaking, mixing and sweetening signals with effects as well as reshuffling incoming audio streams into a different signal mix. Video signals, for their part, require shading, colour correction, glue, up/down/cross conversion, switching and more. Such processing tasks can be performed either by dedicated hardware processors or software, such as Lawo’s acclaimed HOME Apps.

The third pillar concerns the tools used to set and tweak the parameters of the hardware and software processors – termed ‘human interfaces’. They allow operators to interact with their processing stack. Like the processing blocks, these interfaces come in two forms: hardware options such as a mixing console or button panel, or software – a graphic user interface shown on a touchscreen or mobile device.

Then comes ‘management and control’. Both the HOME management platform and the VSM broadcast control system are software tailored to perform specific tasks. The HOME platform simplifies IP connections through easy discovery and registration, acting as the human interface for managing HOME-native software and hardware, stream routing and a lot more.

To be clear: even hardware devices from third-party vendors can be HOME natives, as this mainly hinges on the ability to communicate with the platform over the HOME API. The VSM control system, for its part, takes care of orchestrating the hybrid hardware/software infrastructure as well as legacy devices that may still be in use, ensuring every device and app does exactly what is expected from them.

The fifth pillar of Lawo’s solution-based offering comprises ‘professional services’: consulting, deployment, training and support. These services can be solicited from Lawo before, during and after the deployment or refurbishment of an infrastructure.

The benefits of simplicity

The clear structure of Lawo’s portfolio is already a significant asset for deciding on which hardware and software best suit your needs. But there is more. A streamlined user experience is offered across the entire HOME platform, both for HOME Apps and all HOME-native hardware. This includes the ability to unlock processing capability on standard servers or access optional features on HOME-native hardware using a single currency that does not burn down. These are indeed compelling pros for professionals. 

Another pro is that HOME Apps are made from à la carte combinations that only feature the required functionality for any given task. This too can be specified with HOME’s intuitive user interface. The HOME ecosystem’s simplicity and agility present endless possibilities, all without adding any unnecessary complexity. Keeping everything simple, but flexible allows operators to reach places where monolithic, bespoke hardware or inflexible software bundles can’t tread. 

More information:

This feature was first published in the Summer 2024 issue of FEED.

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