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Posted on Sep 24, 2023 by FEED Staff

Media tech leader, Appear, spearheads the industry’s sustainable practices

Sponsored editorial 

hen we hear the words ‘climate commitment’ or ‘social responsibility’, they are often just that – words. Rarely does a company build sustainability into its culture from the get-go. Appear is
an exception.

Appear is a global leader in high-capacity solutions for media processing and content delivery, premium live event contribution, remote production and distribution. With an Oslo HQ, the company aligns with Norwegian approaches to renewable energy, leading in sustainability thanks to its hydroelectric power stations, wind farms and solar panels. Appear is powered by the same systems – enjoying a symbiotic relationship with the ‘world’s greenest nation’, according to National Geographic.¹

Dedicated to reducing its environmental impact, Appear does so across every stage of the product cycle – including creation, transportation, operation and disposal. In particular, its X Platform – a device which elevates the SRT protocol – consumes 5x less energy and produces 38x less CO2 than leading competitors, according to metrics produced by an independent analysis. The X Platform also reduces shipping costs by up to 80% thanks to its impressive density.

So it came as no surprise when Appear’s X Platform received an inaugural NAB Excellence in Sustainability award. This accolade, the first of its kind, recognises innovations that promote conservation and foster both economic and social development.

While its entire product portfolio is manufactured in Norway, Appear uses electricity produced by hydropower. As of 2021, Norway reported that 86.9% of the nation’s electricity was powered by water, thanks to its famous fjords and peninsular position. Just two years later, that number has grown to 91.5%.

Besides doing its own part for the planet, “it’s also about how we are supporting the likes of the telcos, broadcasters and content owners to deliver against their agendas as well,” says Murray Barker, Appear’s head of product marketing. The organisation wants to see sustainable practices flow down the supply chain; by supporting its customers’ climate charters, the entire industry benefits.

Appear’s final climate pledge is to provide transparency, strive for improved energy efficiency and reduce the impact of its business operations. “Being sustainable isn’t just the right thing to do,” says Appear CEO Thomas Bostrøm Jørgensen. “Today, it’s the only thing to do if you want your company and industry to be successful.” 

Learn more at

Originally published in the Autumn 2023 issue of FEED.

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