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Dalet Pyramid Power

Posted on Mar 10, 2021 by FEED Staff

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Along with a brand reboot, Dalet has announced Dalet Pyramid, a cloud-native news solution that focuses on remote collaboration – when the industry needs it more than ever

On the heels of a complete brand makeover, Dalet has announced Dalet Pyramid, its new platform for Unified News Operations. With new ‘Dalet blue‘ branding, the refresh is part of Dalet’s commitment to evolving with a rapidly changing industry that it has served for more than 30 years.

“Dalet is transforming into a leading provider for SaaS offerings,” says director of global product marketing, Bea Alonso. “As part of that transformation, we wanted to refresh our voice with a new brand, new colours, and new logo. Hand in hand with that refresh is the introduction of Dalet Pyramid, our latest news production and distribution solution.“

Dalet Pyramid offers a browser-based, integrated workspace for news production, content management and multiplatform distribution. Offered on a subscription or SaaS basis, Pyramid can be deployed in the cloud, on-premises or in a hybrid configuration.

Pyramid leaves behind the traditional rundown-centric workflow for newsrooms, which emphasises the linear playout of stories. With organisations required to distribute news across multiple platforms, in different formats and lengths, and with individualised branding and delivery times, flexibility and responsiveness is essential. Pyramid’s responsiveness and accessibility allows teams to get the most out of each story, rather than being hemmed in by inflexible, linear parameters.

Everyone needs to work collaboratively now. Pyramid brings a radical solution

With complete remote access to all available content, including stories, video, audio feeds and metadata, plus editing and publishing tools and integration with social media platforms, Pyramid is ideal for the remote working that has taken hold across the industry. “One of the most important aspects of it is 360 storytelling,” says Raoul Cospen, Dalet’s director of product strategy for news. “Traditionally, there’s a production line with reporters, editors, graphic artists working on stories, and the digital team work separately for social and digital platforms, but everyone has to work collaboratively now. Pyramid brings a radical solution. With 360 storytelling, all production work and team assignments take place within the story creation tools, simultaneously.”

Cospen notes that Dalet’s innovations were already in the pipeline before Covid-19, but the trend towards distributed workforces was massively accelerated by the pandemic. “The remote trend already existed – I’ve been working from home for three years now. It’s becoming the norm. But our customers were saying, ‘I need to have 80% of my workforce working from home’ and not everyone has a computer from their organisation, so they have to use their personal laptop, which starts a discussion around security,” he says.

Pyramid’s web-based user interfaces with enterprise-level security means teams can access the newsroom from anywhere with internet service and from any device with a browser. Its SaaS architecture makes it adaptable to different needs and sizes, and it runs on the organisation’s infrastructure of choice.

“Newsrooms might host it on a hybrid infrastructure, allowing for cost savings. You can have an innovative set-up, with your main operations in the cloud and some studio operations on-premises.

“The architecture of Pyramid is based on today’s cloud standards, which will allow news organisations to decrease their total cost of ownership. And part of that is through agility: when something is web-based, deployment, maintenance and upgrades can adapt very quickly to changes,” says Cospen.

Dalet’s Pyramid brings together a new level of collaboration, in a world that badly needs it. Now, getting out top-quality news goes far beyond writing, editing and publishing. It’s a 360 team effort.

This article first featured in the Winter 2020/21 issue of FEED magazine.

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