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Narrativa | Spanish start-up

July 7th, 2021

Spanish start-up Narrativa was founded in 2015. Headed up by CEO David LLorente, it developed an AI technology that writes content automatically

Slait | Spain | Start-up Alley

June 17th, 2021

An idea the deaf community have been waiting for: Spanish start-up, Slait, have created an AI model for translating sign language

Start-up: PlayGiga, Spain, 2013

June 5th, 2019

Based on a mix of deep tech and content curation, PlayGiga’s cloud-based ‘Netflix for gaming’ service is set to disrupt the video gaming industry

Trying conditions for streaming at the Doñana triathlon

March 23rd, 2019

Mobile transmitters were used to support the live stream of Spain’s remote and gruelling Desafio Doñana from motorbikes, boats and 4x4s